Dinsdag 24 April 2018

IEB Grade 12 English FAL Prescribed Poems 2018 - 2019

The Edupage workbook for the IEB Grade 12 English FAL Prescribed Poems 2018 - 2019 contains the following aspects:

Indepth discussion and context:
  •      About the poet
  •      About the poem
  •      Poem summary
  •      English-Afrikaans wordlist
  •      Line-by-line analysis
  •      Three sets of questions

The following prescribed poems are discussed:

1.    Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true minds – William Shakespeare
2.    The world is too much with us – William Wordsworth
3.    Mending wall – Robert Frost
4.    Anthem for doomed youth – Wilfred Owen
5.    I thank you god for most this amazing – ee cummings
6.    Musée des beaux arts – WH Auden
7.    On aging – Maya Angelo
8.    Refugee mother and child – Chinua Achebe
9.    The night train – Fhazel Johennesse
10.  Love poem for my country – Sandile Dikeni

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